Прослушала книгу Master Your Emotions by Thibaut Meurisse Изначально ставила ее фоном, пока запаковывала вещи. Но в итоге где-то на середине заинтересовалась и стала слушать внимательнее. Вроде бы все и так известно, но я уже очень давно не погружалась в душевно-психологические темы. И вообще как будто закостенела в других заботах.
цитаты (м.б. ошибки и опечатки) 1In the past, being rejected from your tribe would reduce your chances of survival significantly. Therefore, you learn to look for any sign of rejection and this became hardwired in your brain. Nowdays, being rejected often carries little or no consequence to your long-term survival. […] Yet your brain is still programmed to percieve rejection as a thread to your survival.
2Your brain’s job isn’t to make you happy but to insure your survival.
3To start taking control of your emotions you must accept they are transient. You must learn to let them pass without feeling the need to identify strongly with them.
4Your interpretations and the emotions generated from them are largely the result of the assumptions you hold about the world. Thus, to experience more positive emotions, it is important you spend time revising your assumptions, analysing your interpretations.
5Become aware of the emotions as they arise. 1. Focus on a certain emotion you would like to work on 2. Ask yourself: - could I let this feeling go? - could I allow this feeling to be here? - could I welcome this feeling? release, allow or welcome 3. Ask yourself: - would I let this feeling go? - would I allow this feeling to be here? - would I welcome this feeling? 4. Ask yourself: - when? Your answer will be now. You let go that emotion immediately. 5. Repeat this as many times as neccessary for that particular feeling disappear.
6The fact is you do most things well, although a lack of experience, interest or talent may explain why you aren’t doing as well as you’d like to in certain areas. It has nothing to do with you not being good enough.
8We have to remember, most of our fears are a threat only to our ego, not to our survival. Generally, they aren;t physical threats but imaginary ones.
9When humans don’t move beyond their comfort zone they start dying inside.
10Courage is not the absence of fear, it is taking action despite the fear. Courage is realizing fear is not going to go and doing what you want to do anyway.